On the night of 9/10 March 1945, the US air force firebombed the east side of Tokyo, killing more than 100,000 civilians. One night.

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Anyone who cites the Holocaust denier David Irving has no credibility with me.

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So wrong about 80 years ago

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Who was in the room advising Churchill? Who did he owe? This was awful and we are only just beginning to question it. Who allowed Coventry to be bombed and the West End etc? I have no answers just questions.

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Read Patrick Buchanan’s THE UNNECESSARY WAR

as well as almost anything from David Irving.

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It was a rhetorical question

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We killed tens of thousands of innocents in Dresden intentionally and needlessly. Ditto what we did to Japan as they were trying to surrender. Ditto Vietnam and Iraq. And Israel intentionally and knowingly attacked the USS Liberty. Four of my brothers served active duty US military and we’re sick of the Neocons and their Zionist wars.

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Scorched Earth

…Then there was the Endlösung der Judenfrage

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You write "vaporized women and children" and I feel sorry to be sharing the same planet, as a non-woman and non-children who perhaps is as attuned to justice as to historical truth.

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"Guernica is a large 1937 oil painting by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso"

Germany again.

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Perhaps Germany bombing London England murdering women and children was not such a good idea after all.

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Dresden: a jewel of baroque architecture. A city of gardens, fountains, pavilions and church spires. If the UN had existed it would have been a world heritage site. Gone. Destroyed. In the cruelest most barbaric manner. Absolutely no military purpose to it - just a beautiful city frozen in 18th century beauty. A treasure house of art and architecture. They hate Western Civilization. They hate Christianity. They hate Western ideas. They hate our society; our traditions; our folklore - everything.

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Tough. The Nazi party should have kept their bayonets in their holster. War has consequences.

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And here we stay and go - again and again

History repeats itself

Trust us we’re engineers…


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A group of people who financially controlled the world wanted to eviscerate the people who dared to stand against them.

What??!! FH for sure. With the second word being head.

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My great- great grandparents immigrated to Australia in the mid 1800’s from Prussia, many from Silesia. They would have been murdered a 100 years later had they not left.

Sadly I feel we are now in the same predicament again in this country where they are once again genociding the population with Covid vaccines. 😰

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6 million dead Jews send their condolences.

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Yeah hard disagree here. The only thing that delivers lasting peace is near total annihilation. We need to get back to these days. The entire notion of human rights, The Geneva suggestions, collective punishment, etc. it's pure nonsense. The species has existed for 250,000 years but only in the last 80 or so has it become unfashionable to actually win a war. These are luxury beliefs, they're all about to go away.

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