80 Years Ago Today, One Of The Greatest War Crimes In History Took Place
The evils of the Dresden should not only be remembered, but understood under the microscope of truth
I remember my history books in both high school and college had a much different message than what we know as the truth today. We know that history is written by the victors, hence “his-story”. Whether it’s the USS Liberty, or the Gulf of Tonkin, our history books do not properly reflect the truth.
February 13th, 1945 begat one of the ugliest days of the 20th century. The joint British and American mission that involved the massive unloading of over 4,000 tons of high explosives and incendiary bombs that vaporized many women and children in an instant.
The sad thing was, at this point the war, it was already over. This was nothing more than genocide. A group of people who financially controlled the world wanted to eviscerate the people who dared to stand against them (also see Muammar Gaddafi.)
Your history books, and the controlled opposition that controls Wikipedia will tell you that ONLY around 25,000 people were killed under the direction of Winston Churchill & FDR. The truth is that most real historians agree that the death toll was closer to a quarter of a million. 250,000 humans murdered within 72 hours. That is astounding. That is evil.
David Irving is one of the subject matter experts on the Dresden bombing. In his book The Destruction of Dresden, he states the following: Silesians represented probably 80% of the displaced people crowding into Dresden on the night of the triple blow; the city which in peacetime had a population of 630,000 citizens was by the eve of the air attack so crowded with Silesians, East Prussians and Pomeranians from the Eastern Front, with Berliners and Rhinelanders from the west, with Allied and Russian prisoners of war, with evacuated children’s settlement, with forced laborers of many nationalities, that the increased population was now between 1,200,000 and 1,400,000 citizens, of whom, not surprisingly, several hundred thousand had no proper home and of whom none could seek the protection of an air-raid shelter.
Then there is the infamous story of an American prisoner of war during WW2. In 2013, the then 87-year-old Gerald “Jerry” Lamb told his story:
As an American prisoner of war, Lamb went out on numerous work details in the burning city to remove dead bodies. “It was like War of the Worlds,” said Lamb, a Cleveland native who has lived in Bath Township for 40 years.
Lamb was kept in Slaughterhouse Five, a place where German merchants cut up meat in stalls before the war. The makeshift prison was made famous in the novel Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, who was a POW there along with Lamb.
“Buildings were on fire and were caving in ... and everything was collapsing,” Lamb said. He and other POWs were in their barracks later when air raid sirens went off.
“Soon you could hear bombs going off,” he said.
When the bombing stopped, Lamb and others were sent out into the city to remove the dead.
“Where a person might have been, there was nothing but a black spot on the ground,” he said.
One vivid memory is what they found inside a train station.
“It had burned and caved in,” he said. “There was a Red Cross room where the children went. We went to that room. Kids and nurses were dead. We had to carry all those kids and throw them onto trucks.
No man, no matter how hardened, can be properly prepared to witness the horrors of war.
This is why the truth is more important today than ever. The next time the war drums are being beaten, and we are told that “while no one wants to send their sons to war, but we must fight to preserve the security of our country.” Remember Dresden. Remember Gaza. Remember Vietnam. You are being lied to.
Look at every single war we have fought over the last 80 years. Not a single one had anything to do with our country’s sovereignty. It is about the first rule of the Georgia Guidestones (Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.) It also enriches the military industrial complex, which is a part of the ruling class. The more money, the more power.
I encourage everyone to research the bombing of Dresden, and begin to understand the truth about these wars.
God bless you, and keep your head on a swivel.
“The Fact Hunter”
So glad you’re bringing your material to substack. Keep sharing the truth
The "evil" of the Dresden Raids was the end result of National Socialism, do NOT blame the Allies. ⚖️🇨🇵🇺🇲🇷🇺🇨🇦🇵🇱🇬🇧 SEMPER FORTIS! 🎯🗽